Switching to IT: Becoming a software developer with no background or previous experience — Part 1/3

Mário Cosme
5 min readJun 10, 2021

I’ve been wanting to talk about this topic for a while now, not to tell my story or how I managed to start working as a software developer (mobile developer in my specific case), but to openly talk about something that a lot of people have been considering and some have been struggling with.

I’ve received a lot of messages in the past years asking what course I enrolled in, or how did I initially set up my CV, how did I start programming. The list goes on and on. I do find it important to talk about it and what can be important, what choices there are and which are the ones that will most likely get you there. The content of this article is aimed at developers and the developer role.

During this first part, I’ll discuss a few topics that I deemed important for you to understand why it shouldn’t be that hard and why it can be that hard! In the other parts, you can find some more practical advice on different situations throughout this transition and the first or second year of working as a developer.

Not that I believe this is “the path” to get there, however, if you learn something from it and manage to apply it, I’d be pleased I helped someone take another step into happiness.

Moving to IT

As you probably are aware, the IT (Information Technology) sector is growing by the day. There are new companies, ideas, and projects appearing…



Mário Cosme

🇵🇹 Senior iOS Developer @ Siemens Mobility — Coding by day, gaming by night.